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Erasmus +



IMG 1326Project 

Plants were living far before us, they surround us, they resist us,they are part of our exchanges, of our human history. Would their domestication have brought us into civilization?
Ethnobotany or the use of plants among people is a topic that can attract the attention of a variety of classes of people, because there are many themes in its content such as the use of plants for medicinal purposes, their use as ornaments,their place in mythology and beliefs, their use as fuel, their use in the production of beverages and clothing, their use within leisure and hobbies and their use to dye yarns and to make dyes. Therefore, any of these issues may attract people's attention. The use of herbal materials is common in botany, agriculture, pharmacology, industry, art and in many other fields. So, our short field excursions and investigations will attract the attention of both students and people we will share our findings with.

We have observed that the energy of our students is increased when meeting nature, so have their academic success and their interest in nature . In addition, young people, who are under the bondage of today's technology addiction, will enjoy meeting with nature and meeting local people. As a result of botanical research, both their social skills and their academic skills will start to develop. The natural and cultural ressources of the different countries will contribute to the dissemination of the project and increase the outputs without limiting our project to local studies. Our E twinning project will provide resources for this project in every respect, and with this project, while disadvantaged students’ having the opportunity of mobility, we will have the opportunity to make an impact assessment.

Field studies, botanical garden trips and ethnobotanical practices, conferences with professionals or adults will be the most important methods of this project, and their realization with on-site and other national children will increase the impact value and enable the project to reach its socio-cultural goals. But the exchanges and work between students from
different countries will also enable the students to meet or recognize different cultures as well as their own culture, to improve their language proficiency and to feel part of a European community having the same way of life, the same way of thinking and the same way of imagining a future closer to Nature than the one created by elder generations.

The popularity of our topic will also guide us on how we can enrich and expand these local works. Our project will enable us to evaluate our position on an international platform and to share it with other schools interested by this subject.


Partner : 

  • France : ​ Institution Sainte-Marthe Saint-Front (Bergerac)
  • Italy : Istituto Istruzione Superiore 'E. Majorana - A.Cascino'
  • Denmark : Vejlefordskolen
  • Czech Republic : Tauferova stredni odborna skola veterinarni Kromeriz
  • Turkey : Manisa Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi
  • Turkey : Manisa Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi


  • 08/05/22 - 12/05/22, Czech Republic, PLANTS AND MEDICINE
  • 25/09/22 - 29/09/22, Denmark, PLANTS USED AS FOOD (voir la vidéo)
  • 16/01/23 - 20/01/23, Turkey, PLANTS AND INDUSTRY
  • 03/23, Italy, PLANTS AND BELIEFS
  • 05/23, France, PLANTS AND LEISURE 

Présentation des établissements  :


4 baneer SMSF 2022 01 erasmus